ETC3520 / ETC5352 Foundations of Quantitative Finance


Year Completed: Semester 2, 2020

Prerequisite: ETC2430


CM2 Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving

ETC3420 (20%), ETC3460 (25%), ETC3520 (55%)

Weighted average of 70% required. Minimum of 60% required for each unit.

Mean Setu Score: 81.6%


Clarity of Learning Outcomes: 80%

Clarity of Assessments: 86%

Feedback: 76.8%

Resources: 76%

Engagement: 88%

Satisfaction: 81%

Subject Content:

Lecture(s) and Tutorial(s):




This unit covered utility theory, expected utility, loss aversion and

investment risk, stochastic models, Brownian motion and

martingales, stochastic calculus and Ito processes, stochastic

models and security prices, binomial tree model, Black-Scholes

option pricing formula and hedging and term structure of interest



1 x 2 hour lecture

1 x 1.5 hour tutorial


2 x Online Quizzes 20% each

Final Exam 60%


 The unit was a difficult unit but was also rather enjoyable. It was

more focused on the financial side of actuarial studies, which

means those that have done very limited finance may struggle

with concepts that are assumed knowledge taught under



Lectures had everything that was required to do well in the unit.

The lecturer presented all the slides and went into further depth

where required, but due to the amount of content in this unit,

some sections were not covered in depth. Another helpful

component of the lectures was that it was made clear what

wouldn't be in the exam and thus we did not need to spend long

on it. One issue with the lectures was that some mathematical

proofs skipped a lot of steps and therefore lead them to be

confusing. Do ask the teaching team for clarficiation if needed.


Tutorials are extremely helpful. The online quizzes, and by

extension the exam, all were based on tutorial questions. Given

that the tutorials provided you with a worked solution, they

formed a key component to doing well in the assessments.

Furthermore, even if tutorials were missed, very in depth worked

solutions were also released which were very helpful.


The online quizzes were based on tutorial questions, so it was

easy to do well in these.

The exam was also based on tutorial questions but was more in

depth and required a greater understanding of the fundamentals.

The exam also focused more on the later half of the course than

the first half.


Overall, this was a great unit that was quite achievable. It definitely

had its difficulties but also had quite a few interesting topics, in

particular the first few weeks.


General Overview:



Assessments/Other Assessments


Concluding Remarks