ETC3460 / ETC5346 Financial Econometrics

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Year Completed: Semester 2, 2020

Prerequisite: ETC2410

(or ETC3440, or ETF2100, or ETW2510, or MTH2232)



CM2 Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving 

ETC3420 (20%), ETC3460 (25%), ETC3520 (55%)

Weighted average of 70% required. Minimum of 60% required for

each unit.

Mean Setu Score: 75.6%


Clarity of Learning Outcomes: 76.4%

Clarity of Assessments: 73%

Feedback: 72.8%

Resources: 74%

Engagement: 81.6%

Satisfaction: 72.4%

Subject Content:

Lecture(s) and Tutorial(s):




Topics included a review of statistics from ETC2410 and ETC2520

and time series features, Efficient Market Hypothesis and stock

market volatility, ARCH models for return and volatility modelling

and GARCH models for return and volatility modelling.


1 x 2 hour lecture

1 x 2 hour tutorial


Textbooks were not used, however they could be useful for

reviewing detailed derivations in your own time.


Tutorial Participation 10%

Assignment 1 (Group) 10%

Assignment 2 (Group) 20%

Final Exam 60%


The unit is moderately difficult but well taught by lecturers and

tutors. The content is extremely useful for stock return

modelling. Eviews is a strong focus in the unit though not

examined (but very useful for assignments). The unit is enjoyable

but close attention must be paid to derivations and key concepts

and assumptions.

Lectures were delivered well and must be watched as derivations

are given during lectures. Lectures consisted of a mix of theory

and good examples that illustrated the theory.

Tutorials are mandatory. No preparation is needed except to have

watched the lecture beforehand. Tutorials are delivered well and

follow lecture contents closely. Teaching and practice for Eviews

is only available in tutorials. The summary slides are well written

and highlight derivations for key mathematics and important

points that need to be remembered. Tutorial questions are great

for consolidating knowledge and detailed explanations are given.

Assignments were fair but strictly marked. Being a group

assignment, they are long and require a team effort. Both

assignments consisted of a mathematical section which should be

attempted by everyone and a stock portfolio analysis section with

exam style analytical questions. Marking of the assignment is

strict and must hit key points to get high marks, however

marking was still fair.

Make sure you are familiar with the material from ETC2410.

General Overview:



Assessments/Other Assessments

Concluding Remarks