ETC2410 Introductory Econometrics


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Year Completed: Semester 1, 2020

Prerequisite: ETC1000

(or ETW1001, or ETB1100, or FIT1006, or SCI1020, or ETF1100, or STA1010)


Exemption: N/A (prerequisite for other units)


Mean Setu Score: 79.4%


Clarity of Learning Outcomes: 80.4%

Clarity of Assessments: 78.4%

Feedback: 76.2%

Resources: 78.6%

Engagement: 83.8%

Satisfaction: 77%

Subject Content:

Lecture(s) and Tutorial(s):




Topics included the OLS estimator, multiple regressions,

inference, binary variables, heteroskedasticity and correlation.

1 x 2 hour lecture

1 x 1.5 hour tutorial

Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach - the course

didn't follow the textbook to a tee. It was good for extra reading

and a second view in-case the lecture didn't make sense.

2 Group Assignments

Final Exam 60%


The lectures were enjoyable and informative. The content was

interesting, however, the tutorials become a bit repetitive because

of the limited interaction. This unit is essential as it sets students

up for many following units. The lecturer helped make difficult

concepts easy to understand and provided good examples to

assist in this.  Eviews is the program used in this unit and can be

picked up relatively quickly compared to other programs.

This unit is essential as it sets students up for many following

units. The lecturer helped make difficult concepts easy to

understand and provided good examples to assist in this.  Eviews

is the program used in this unit and can be picked up relatively

quickly compared to other programs.

The tutorials were not entirely relevant to the actual assessments,

but still necessary practice. They reviewed previous weeks

homework questions making it essential that the homework was

at least attempted before the tutorial. The tutorials were short

and there were often questions that did not get covered so it is

worth utilising consultation times if you are having difficulties.

The final exam was easier than expected, however, a good

understanding of the fundamental concepts is required to do well.

The group assignments were straight forward, they contained a

fair bit of work and were best to be divided amongst the group

and started as early as possible.

This unit is essential for further etc units. It is quite a step up from

first year etc units, however, the lectures are delivered well and

make it easier to learn the content. 

General Overview:



Assessments/Other Assessments

Concluding Remarks