BFC2140 Corporate Finance 1 (2022)
Year Completed: Semester 2, 2022
Prerequisite: ECC1000
(or ECW1101, or ECB1101, or ECF1100)
CB1 Business Finance
ACC1100 (50%), BFC2140 (50%)
Weighted average of 70% required. Minimum of 60% required for each unit.
Mean Setu Score: 80.81%
Clarity of Learning Outcomes: 87.23%
Clarity of Assessments: 87.23%
Feedback: 71.28%
Resources: 79.79%
Engagement: 82.98%
Satisfaction: 76.34%
Subject Content:
Lecture(s) and Tutorial(s):
Topics included intro to financial maths, multiple cash flow
streams and their evaluation, Valuation of Bonds and Equities,
Capital Budgeting, Evaluating projects (NPV etc), Annuities
(different types and forms of annuities), cash flow analysis and
replacement decision, Management of Working capital (cash
conversion cycle and its components), break even analysis &
sensitivity analysis, Risk & Return (Portfolio return) and Cost of
Capital (calculating Weighted Average Cost of Capital).
2 x 1 hour lecture
1 x 1 hour tutorial
Fundamentals of corporate finance – this textbook is not necessary to do well but complemented the course material well and was a useful resource for studying.
Weekly quizzes which totalled 20%
Mid-Semester Test 30%
Final Exam 50%
The unit is taught well with recorded lectures that you can watch in your own time, which makes the learning process easier. The Pearson Online questions are fantastic practice and very useful to reinforce topics. Overall, if you keep on top of the coursework and your understanding of conceptual topics, then it is very possible to achieve good results in the unit.
The lectures are taught well and the lecturer does not rush over important concepts. They are very application based and always included a question which is worked through in each lecture so that students develop a deep understand of the content being taught. It is important to watch the lectures and they should not be skipped, as it becomes very difficult to keep up with the unit otherwise.
The tutorials are super important to attend because they consolidate the learning that you have done in the lecture and online finance lab platform. The questions are designed to be in-line with the types of exam questions that you will be presented with so it is incredibly important to attend each class and ideally have completed the questions beforehand.
The midsemester test is designed in line with CFA exam requirements and naturally students find it challenging. You must have a strong grasp on the financial concepts covered and terminology used as it is important for your own learning in the unit as well. But, if you are keeping up with the content of the unit then you should not struggle in the mid-semester assessment or final exam.
Theory and concepts are fairly straightforward and easy to grasp with a strong conceptual understanding it is possible to achieve strong results. It’s recommended that students aim to actively engage in the unit to the best of their ability, in order to develop the understanding of the financial concepts required.
General Overview:
Assessments/Other Assessments
Concluding Remarks