BFC2140 Corporate Finance 1


Difficulty 1 star.png

Year Completed: Semester 2, 2020

Prerequisite: ECC1000

 (or ECW1101, or ECB1101, or ECF1100)



CB1 Business Finance

ACC1100 (50%), BFC2140 (50%)

Weighted average of 70% required. Minimum of 60% required for each unit.

Mean Setu Score: 80.8%


Clarity of Learning Outcomes: 83.2%

Clarity of Assessments: 85.6%

Feedback: 75.8%

Resources: 78.8%

Engagement: 85.2%

Satisfaction: 77.8%

Subject Content:

Lecture(s) and Tutorial(s):




Topics included valuing bonds and equities, capital budgeting,

working capital, risk and return, cost of capital, capital structure

and payout policy.

1 x 2 hour lecture

1 x 1 hour tutorial

Fundamentals of corporate finance – this textbook complemented

the course material well and was good to use as pre-reading

before lectures.

Weekly Quizzes

Mid-Semester Test

Final Exam 50%


The unit was great to learn and very methodical which made a lot

of sense.

The lectures were clear and to the point, they provided enough

information to tackle the weekly questions. The lectures were

slightly difficult to understand because of the complexity of the

content, especially when it comes to calculations. However, as

examples to calculations are explained in the pre recorded

lectures, it made the lesson clear. Watching the lectures is a must

to attempt the tutorial questions and understand the content. The

theory side of corporate finance was much easier to understand.


The tutorials were good as the tutors were engaging. They were

also helpful in learning tips and tricks on the financial calculator.

To come to the tutorial session you need to watch the pre

recorded lectures and attempt the tutorial questions. In the

tutorial session answers will be discussed and other doubts in the

lesson will be clarified.


The assessments were a good reflection of the weekly questions.

There weren't any assignments but only quizzes. Even the mid

semester exam was OTQ based. As everything was computerised

the lecturers or tutors did not mark our answers. Practice

questions were given to try before the final exam along with the

answers, which was really useful.


The final exam was a step up in difficulty from the mid-semester



I thoroughly enjoyed this unit and highly recommend taking it if

you get the chance. It also complements further actuarial units

well. Make sure that all tutorial and practice questions are

attempted before your mid semester and final exams come up.

This would help you finish your questions faster and more

accurately. Also remember to manage your time during the exam.

General Overview:



Assessments/Other Assessments


Concluding Remarks